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Senior Lunch & Bingo
Come to the Park District for our monthly luncheons on the second Wednesday of every month! Enjoy a delicious lunch, bingo and catch up with old and new friends! The lunch fee includes your meal, coffee, dessert and bingo. Lunch will be served at approximately 12pm.
Register One week prior
Age: 50+
Code: Date: Time: Fee: Food:
5465-02 2/12 12-2pm $12 Brunch
5465-03 3/12 12-2pm $12 Meat and Potatoes
5465-04 4/9 12-2pm $12 Asian
5465-05 5/14 12-2pm $12 Barbecue
Lunch & BINGO will be in our gym.
Please call us to register at (708)448-7080
Senior Meet & Eat
Don’t miss our Meet and Eat lunches! Take a trip with the Park District to different restaurants each month. Come with friends or make some new lunch buddies! Indulge in your own taste and spend as much or as little as you would like! Pay for your portion of the check at time of trip. Come check out some new places with us! Meet us at the Terrace Centre and we will depart from there.
Registration Deadline: One week before the lunch trip
Day: Age: Time: Fee R/NR:
Wed 50+ 10:30am - 2pm $8/$12
Date: January 15 Code: 5715-01
Location: Greek Islands, Lombard
Taverna-style eatery serving family-style Greek & Mediterranean comfort food mainstays.
Date: February 19 Code: 5715-02
Location: Francesca’s Amici, Elmhurst
The menu features zesty earthy cuisine of Rome and the surrounding areas of Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio.
*Please Note: the restaurant opens at 11:30am. Please arrive to the Terrace Centre by 10:45am.
Date: March 19 Code: 5715-03
Location: Madisons Pub and Grill, Willowbrook
Convivial haunt offering eclectic American mains such as burgers, jambalaya & meatloaf, plus a bar.
Please Note: the restaurant opens at 11:30am. Please arrive to the Terrace Centre by 10:45am.
Date: April 16 Code: 5715-04
Location: Hamada of Japan, Tinley Park
Family-friendly Asian option for engaging tableside cooking, tempura & traditional maki.
Please Note: the restaurant opens at 11:30am. Please arrive to the Terrace Centre by 10:45am.
Date: May 21 Code: 5715-05
Location: Hacienda Cocula, Countryside
Relaxed joint offering traditional Mexican fare & margaritas in a standard setting.

Pinochle Club
Do you like to play cards but are having a hard time finding friends to play with?
Come on in and play with this welcoming group of Senior Pinochle fans. Join us anytime!
For more information call 708-448-7080.
Location: Terrace Centre
Day: Monday
Time: 12pm-2:30pm
Friendship Club
Are you 55+? Are you looking for friends and comradery? Then the Friendship Club is for you. We are looking for new members for our get togethers.
We meet on the first Tuesday and the third Tuesday of each month at 12:30pm.
We have snacks, games and a sense of new friendships.
We welcome everyone.
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